man sleeping deeply in bed man sleeping deeply in bed

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Learn more about BrainLuxury...

Who is BrainLuxury?
Science drives the innovation behind our products. BrainLuxury, trailblazer of supplements that are backed by science, is the fuel your brain needs to support natural sleep and focus without artificial stimulants.

Our products contain 100% safe ingredients, free of preservatives, gluten, added sugar and animal products.
What is DELTA BrainLuxury™?
DELTA by BrainLuxury is a dietary supplement that provides your brain with the natural fuel it needs to support natural deep sleep, without artificial melatonin.

The formula uses glycine, tryptophan, essential fatty acids and vitamins to help you fall asleep faster and improve your sleep quality by stimulating your natural melatonin and serotonin production. With DELTA, your brain finds its way back to a sleep phase where it can recharge while resting and can decide for itself how long and how deep of a sleep it needs.

✓ Improve deep sleep
✓ Fall asleep faster and feel energized
✓ 100% safe and transparent ingredients
What is GAMMA BrainLuxury™?
GAMMA by BrainLuxury, the perfect daytime accompaniment to DELTA, is the second trailblazing drink from BrainLuxury. It’s designed to fill up your brain with the nutrients it needs, so you can achieve longer periods of focus and experience your days at the Optimum. You are the best version of yourself while feeling energized, focused - yet calm.

The formula uses Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Resveratrol, essential oils, and natural vitamins to help you put thoughts into action and turn focus into performance, stimulating your brain’s neuroplasticity.

✔️ Natural enthusiasm
✔️ Focus longer
✔️ Feel energized
✔️ Nourish your brain
✔️ 100% safe and transparent ingredients
How do I become an Affiliate?
To register your interest in becoming an Affiliate Partner, please email Our team will provide all the necessary details and let you know as soon as the exciting program launches.

Safe ingredients

Safe ingredients

No animal products icon
No animal products
Gluten-free icon
No gluten
No sugar added icon
No added sugar
No added preservatives icon
No added sugar

Our Customers love BrainLuxury

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We've bottled deep sleep. DELTA uses tryptophan, glycine, essential fatty acids and vitamins to help you achieve natural deep sleep with none of the nasty side effects of artificial melatonin.

Shop Delta from $75 Brainluxury, Delta Bottle


Our new product for natural focus. The formula uses phenylalanine, tryptophan, resveratrol, essential oils, and natural vitamins to help you put thoughts into action and turn focus into performance, stimulating your brain’s neuroplasticity.

Launch Fall 2022 | Join Waitlist BrainLuxury, Gamma bottle